President‘s message

Time flies like an arrow, time flies, and in a flash, the first ten years of the "Hong Kong Institute of Property Management" have passed. Since its establishment, the society has experienced application for registration, recruitment of members, holding industry events, establishing industry contacts with cities in the Mainland, Macau and Taiwan, cooperating with universities, cooperating with enterprises, and providing industry advice to the government, etc., all in the past ten years A certain foundation has been established. We dare not say that the "Hong Kong Institute of Property Managers" has been very successful, but we can say with certainty that the "Hong Kong Institute of Property Managers" is widely known in the industry.

The 4th Executive Committee of the Society was successfully elected in October this year. It is a great honor to be trusted by the members. I was once again elected as the President of the 4th Executive Committee. Elements bring new ideas for the future development of the society.

After discussion by the new executive committee, the main themes/aspects of the society's activities in the next two years will be as follows:

(1) Innovation and technology

Although Hong Kong's property management is very professional and sophisticated, it is conservative and lacks creativity compared with the property management industry in other regions, and it is relatively backward in the application of intelligent technology. In order to keep up with the pace of the times and reduce operating costs, the society will vigorously promote innovation and technology in the industry.

(2) Home care

The ageing of Hong Kong’s population is well known. It is estimated that 40% of the local population will be 60 years old or above in 2030. In addition, the local birth rate has been at a low level for a long time, and there are more and more elderly people! It will be very common for the elderly to live alone. We believe that the property management industry should take some care or caring responsibilities within the housing estate/building to help solve the problem. This topic is not only an industry business opportunity, but also a corporate social responsibility. The society will jointly promote this work with related institutions.

(3) Arbitration and mediation

At present, owners’ participation in the daily work of property management is very high. In addition, the “Property Management Industry Regulatory Authority” has implemented a licensing and registration system for the industry on August 1 this year. There will inevitably be some contradictions between the two "standards." We believe that there will be a large number of cases of industry conflicts/disputes in the next few years. In addition to the legal settlement of the lawsuit, it is a good choice to resolve it through "mediation and arbitration". We will actively encourage members to resolve disputes in a "mediation first" approach.

(4) Sustainable development

Environmental pollution, ecological changes, and climate change have emerged all over the world. These conditions greatly affect the lives of our next generation. Environmental management in the property management industry is an important task for us. We have a real responsibility to assist and encourage environmental protection through our daily work to achieve sustainable development. The Society will actively promote this work with relevant environmental groups.

(5) Etiquette culture

Hong Kong’s refined property management and emphasis on quality services have always enjoyed a high reputation, but the young generation lacks training in traditional Confucianism, which makes their etiquette foundations not strong enough. In recent years, the property management industry in the Mainland and Taiwan attaches great importance to the etiquette/etiquette culture of young people. Not only does it provide practitioners with knowledge of manners, makeup, dress, and conversation, but also provides training on traditional etiquette and culture knowledge for practitioners. Let practitioners have a complete culture of etiquette.

(6) Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is an important national policy and an important development direction of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. The Chief Executive has repeatedly mentioned the policy direction of the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" in his policy address this year, which shows that the SAR government will vigorously promote the integration of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area in the future. In fact, the real estate projects in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the demand for property management services will have a lot of room for development, which is definitely the direction for the future development of young local employees.

Hong Kong has experienced unprecedented events in 2019 and 2020, but our property management colleagues can insist on professionalism, stick to their posts, and provide professional services to owners. The "Hong Kong Institute of Property Management" will continue to advance together with its members, give full play to its professionalism, and continue to contribute to the industry. Pray to work together with members!

Finally, we also look forward to obtaining the approval of the Property Management Industry Regulatory Bureau to become one of the recognized professional organizations of the Regulatory Bureau, so that our members can continue to contribute to the industry, society and the country!

Hong Kong Institute of Property Management
Dr. Feng Guoxiong
November 30, 2020